You don't need to spend a lot of money on building an attractive fully functioning website. In fact, you don't need to spend any money at all. You can do it FREE if you know what type of programs to look for and where to find them. "How", I here you ask?
I built my website in May 2005 with the free software programs that came on the cover disc of an internet magazine. Even if you do not buy such magazines you can still freely download many good software programs from several sites, Tucows, for example.
You should look for software programs that are either FREEWARE or for programs that have recently been replaced by a newer version. As the older version tends to be given away free. Avoid SHAREWARE programs and TRIAL VERSIONS as these usually have many important functions disabled not to mention the expiry date.
The single most important software program you need for creating a website is an HTML editor. There are several types of editor available, I recommend a WYSIWYG editor. If you are not sure which are the best, always read the reviews and ratings given on most download sites. Feel free to try several until you find one that you are comfortable with using.
If you have used Word or a similar Windows based word prcoessing software program to create a letter or memo then you can use an HTML WYSIWYG editor, as it is very similar to word processing in menu functions and interface.
With time, patience and a little determination you may be pleasantly surprised how relatively easy it is to create an attractive fully functioning website with free programs. And you will have the added satisfaction of knowing it did not cost you a single penny.