Several software systems, tools and packages are available for developing web applications. Applications refer to the services, navigation systems, and graphical designs featured on web pages. The typical website consists of a home page with left-side menu listing various sections of the site; tabs at the top for the viewer to see the important sections; a search feature to identify products or services if the site is too large and has too many links; recent news releases; bottom links providing hypertext links to all the sections; and a site map.
The designing of web sites and web pages involve every detail related to the appearance and feel of the site. The home page must reflect the exact description of the company. Some of the designing decisions refer to menu style, navigation between the pages, usage of animation software or flash programming, etc.
Some of the software and web related tools are:
Html: Web design software, widely used by web designers.
Java script / flash: features include animation, drop-down navigation, small windows that open to answer a hyperlinked question.
CGI/database program: enables site search program and customer communication interface.
Cascading style sheets: control font sizes and colors. A change in a single master file would make similar change in all the other pages.
Frames: Navigation system where the menu on left scrolls independently of the page content on the right.
Instant text chat systems, Instant messaging systems: provides a check on the viewer’s visit and mechanism to handle the communication with them.
Software should support facilities such as changing the content of existing information, adding new archives or web pages, new products or services, direct mail applications, upload mailing list capability, email generation, interactive ordering system, login and access privileges, response tracking and user customization.