Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Effective Traffic Building Reality bites

There are millions of sites in web recording single figure visitor counts everyday and with many days showing no visitors at all. So if you want visitors you need to win them. This is the land where undoubtedly survival of the fittest applies. Get going with the following vital points for building an effective traffic.

Low Cost traffic building methods

  • Always put your URL on letterhead, business cards and in e-mail signatures – wherever potential visitors are likely to see it.
  • Promote Yourself- Put your URL stickers on taxis and other public transport vehicles. Distribute T shirts with your URL printed on it – this is the fast and easiest way to promote your site in every nook and corner.
  • Get active in online discussion groups, chats and when appropriate, always give out your URL.

Search Engine

It’s quite simple, if you won’t be in a search engine how will your visitor find you? But, the million dollar question is, how, out of billions of sites, you get a high ranking in search engines? Every search engine works on a particular algorithm. Not only all search engines use different algorithms they also often change it and it’s really difficult to decipher their strategy. Use Meta tags and keywords wisely because these should be the most useful weapons in your arsenal. Search engines will identify you with your Meta tags and keywords.

Swapping Links

Way back in the Web’s infancy, surfers started using link swapping to build traffic. This is the most simple and easy way of getting traffic. Keep a track of sites that attract visitors who might be interested in your site, too. Keep your links appropriate. If your link pages are good enough then visitors might bookmark it because you’ve done them a favor of compiling the information they want.

Banner Exchange

Banner exchange is just the visual form of link exchange. You can make captivating banners and place them on other websites same as link exchange where you place your link.

Be Alluring

Human is a visual creature. Nothing attracts more than a visually appealing site. An appealing site can attract visitors even if you lose him early it will help you get another.

Effective E-mail

An interactive personalized mail can get you potential visitors. Nobody wants to read unwanted and unsolicited spam, but a well constructed e-mail message is informative and personal, and people look forward to getting and reading it.

Media & your Website

In this competitive edge if you give a static website to your visitor then it might not appeal them. As visual appeal has become a deciding factor to allure visitors, more and more designers are now implementing latest technologies in designing. Gone are the days when a website used to have few images and text. It’s now time to make your site live, as if it is similar to any living being. Following are the few multimedia and new media options which can make your site look more vibrant and active.

Quick Time Movies

QT movies are the standard movies played within the QT player. It’s software which you can use in your website with ease. QT allows your visitor free movie viewing. You can have your ads and other promotional clippings in your website through QT. There is another form of QT that is QTVR or Quick Time Virtual Reality. You can have numerous features in QTVR. It is also called an object movie. Your visitors can turn the images to as much as 360 degree with mouse through QTVR. It provides your visitor more fun and excitement.


RealPlayer is the widely used player. It can be used for both audio and video over the web. You can find this in mobile devices, computers and other music players. It uses a buffer which can play the music before it is being fully downloaded. Though RealPlayer has a good sound quality but the videos are not that satisfactory. RealPlayer is omnipresent now; you can find it in every mobile phone, and PCs.

Flash Movies

Macromedia, the company who creates numerous products for graphic designers had introduces Flash. It has become a word synonymous to glowing graphics and heavy file size. Through Flash you can create most interactive graphics for your visitors. You can even built an entire site using Flash. Websites with brighter graphics use Flash technology. If you plan to make a more interactive and glossy site then you can opt for Flash.

Adobe Acrobat

Acrobat can convert your word documents into PDF file (Portable Document Format) which your visitors can use to print and view your content. PDF files are easy to download and anybody with free Acrobat reader can easily view your document.