Thursday, January 25, 2007

User Friendly Web Design

Centering your efforts on user experience.


Provide useful content.


Organize your site in an easy an intuitive manner.

Navigation must be clear and consistent all over your website.

Web Design Considerations

Prefer a liquid layout for your design, that easily adapts to different display sizes, rather than a fixed one.

Allow change of text size using proportional units like em's, ex's or percentages.

Prefer your pages to display quickly, keep them very streamlined.

Optimize all your graphics before using them on your design.

Avoid as much as you can errors on pages, like script errors, database errors, pages not found or broken links.

For Business Websites

Credibility is a must for ecommerce and business websites. Provide elements for your users to know and verify about your business identity and trustworthiness. Show how to contact you in an easy and clear manner.


Don't forget to listen to your visitors, interacting with them can be very rewarding.