Friday, January 26, 2007

Elements of Interface Design

First impressions count and the first impression a visitor
receives when they arrive at a site is the look or visual appeal
of the design. The visual design of a site is referred to as the
interface. Judging a Web site by it's interface design is
similar to judging a book by its cover or judging a person by
their looks. It may not be logical but it is typical human

Outward appearance presents the image and professionalism of the
site company or owner and it can affect the comfort level of the
visitor. Interface design consists of specific elements, all or
some of which are used regularly in the creation of a site's
"face". Knowing what these elements are, and how to use them
well, will assist you in your Interfacing.

1) Say It With Symbols. Symbolism is used often in interface
design in the form of icons or graphics. That first impression
must be made quickly before the site visitor clicks away and
without a voice, a Web site relies on imagery for
representation. Services, product or content can be splashed on
the screen as a grabber or colours, fonts and images can present
an online presence, whether professional or playful. Symbolism
can be metaphoric, abstract or conceptual and is a powerful
visual aid to a site visitor.

2) Keep It Uncluttered. Every feature of the interface should be
obvious to the visitor and should be used based on need,
otherwise it becomes clutter. A font that is hard to read,
graphics that look like buttons but are not linked, text that is
underlined as headings are elements that do not perform their
purpose. To avoid confusion, design using features that are
needed to present the image you are working towards and that
assist in the navigation of your site while flattering the

3) Make Navigation Easy. Navigation often influences the
interface design more than most designers would like it to. This
important aspect must be consistent and must be logical to the
visitor. Consistent navigation means that your menu is a part of
your interface - it will be on each page. This aspect of your
design will be affected by the structure you have chosen for the
site. Good navigation design can be added to as the site grows
without negatively interfering with the design of the interface.

4) Orientate Your Visitor. Each new visitor to a site is like an
explorer. Without guidance in the form of headings, titles,
links, brands and logos, they may not know where to go or where
they are within the structure of the site. The interface design
must also include features that orientate the visitor,
especially if the site is large and has many sections and
sub-sections. The designer can maintain a feeling of familiarity
with consistency in design, orientate the visitor with headings
and titles and can guide the visitor easily with clear

5) Stay Consistent. Consistency, as I've mentioned, is very
important in many of the interface design elements as well as
colour, font, and graphics. When the interface changes, the
visitor thinks they have left the site. Confusion leads to
bookmarks. Remember this. When a site visitor feels
uncomfortable, is confused or irritated by a Web site they are
two clicks away from a familiar site that is linked in their
bookmarks or favourites.