These days, everyone is trying to become a Web designer with
a relatively simply Web design packages readily available, but
is this wise, or is it giving them a headache? If you have the
time, the panache, and the vision for your organization's
website, you will no doubt in designing yourself. There are two
schools of thought dealing with amplifying technology or
illegimatizing it. Whichever school you prefer, we unanimously
agree that there are some basic mistakes many website
designers make, and these needs to be avoided.
These "common" mistakes should be looked upon with an eye
toward making them less common. Overly Wordy Web Designs
make your website loaded with problems including perception,
a comprehension, and a design. Good design is clean and
concise which prevents your momma yawning. Slice it down by
being brief. Quicken the appetite for the online visitor to actually
call or email you and drive them to action. Ugly Web Designs it
lacks attractions. Poor Web design, consists of pixilated
graphics that were not sized for the screen, a lack of integrated
design, and the use of free clip art instead of artwork designed
specifically for your pages. To avoid ugliness there are only two
methods, simplify your site to the point of pure text and basic
buttons with same font and same sized buttons respectively.
Useless Website that is if your website does not have a point
to make, a mission statement of its very own, then it is a design
flaw your visitors will perceive and leave. You can find such flaw
when you view your Web log or your report of website visitors,
90% of them come to the home page and run. Counteract this
by making sure your website is relevant. Lack of Traffic Flow
Planning a lack of an overall traffic plan is a common flaw in
Web design, especially amateur design. A good website is
tooled for its user. Thefore Web design and development team
literally talks through the demographics of your visitor, the
mission of your website, and the "critical paths" of visitation to
the ideal customers so that they whip out their credit card,
send an email, or download something fascinating. Lack of
Tracking You may have the most beautisimo us website, but
how do you know it does what you want it to do without
tracking features? Your tracking program is the only way you'll
be able to measure whether or not your website is meeting its
These common mistakes all point to a lack of forethought on
the part of the would-be web designer.
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