Thursday, February 22, 2007

Website Design: How to Make Your Website a Powerful Lead Generator

Eyes Wide Open designs and delivers websites for the sole purpose of generating leads and sales for your business. After years of experience with building our own website, and those of our clients, we can tell you there are some basic principles that need to be addressed if your website is going to get the phone ringing and drive sales.

How do you turn a basic website into a powerful lead generator? Getting traffic to your site is one thing and there are endless articles on the web about Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing. But what do you do with your website visitors to ensure they make an enquiry rather than just pass through?

Here are 2 of our hottest tips to increasing business sales and enquiries through your website.

1. Become Action Oriented

Lead generation is about people taking action. In any purchase process buyers complete a series of steps (referred to as the "Buyers Journey"), which results in an enquiry or spending money. You need to get very clear and specific about the actions you want people to take when they are visiting your website. If you can focus on 1 single action that's great. At least limit it to 2 or 3.

Some examples of actions:

o Complete an enquiry form

o Confirm your credentials

o Define their problem

o Make a purchase

o Pick up the phone and call

Your aim is then to set up the website so it achieves that action simply and quickly. Remove anything that doesn't directly contribute to the process. Websites are there for the visitor's benefit not yours.

Also, when writing for your website keep it brief and to the point. Use active verbs and give the visitor specific, simple instructions on what to do next.

2. Like Attracts Like

Know your target audience and be like them. Your website is often the first impression a company will have of you so make it count. So often people think of their website as a background marketing tool when its really the shop front for your business. A common example we see of this is websites pitching to senior corporate clients that are clearly homemade efforts. It's the online equivalent of turning up to an initial meeting with a CEO in daggy old shorts and t-shirt.

The personality and professionalism of your business needs to come through in your site. This doesn't mean you need an expensive flash animated website with all the bells and whistles but it does need to be well thought out.

Use Eyes Wide Open to Update Your Website

If you don't have the time, or the know-how, or would value some objectivity, then get EWO to develop your online strategy and update your website. We have the in-house resources to build your website from scratch or refine your existing website to make it a powerful lead generation tool. Simply phone Kirrily Dear on 02 9665 5293 for an obligation free analysis of how we might help your business.