Friday, February 23, 2007

Need of Custom Web site Design

There is a huge difference between the website design of the past and those of today. Now most of the website owner looks for custom website design.

A custom website design is an integral part of how a Business or company may be perceived online. An accurate reflection online means achieving that important sale or a true representation of the services provided by the company.

Some advantages of custom website design are:
Provides a look and feel that is particular to a firm and company.
At economical cost, Site will be tailor-fit to exact business needs of the company.
Viewers will get a more focused experience of the company, thus creating a marked impression on them, that might greatly benefit the company.

Custom Website Design Strategies:
Custom website designing takes much more than just programming expertise and technical skills. It involves strategic thinking, analysis of needs and audiences, advanced planning, graphic design and strategic marketing expertise.

Some points to be considered while designing are:

Navigation: This is the most essential part of every website design. Proper navigation helps the website design in two ways. Firstly, it facilitates the smooth movement of the visitors throughout the website design. Secondly, proper navigation helps the search engines to index the website effectively. It can get the information of all the pages to be indexed thereby giving high ranking to those website design. This is the reason all the website design must have a proper 'Sitemap'.

Design of Home Page: The design of the home page of the website should be made very professional looking, and eye catching as the visitors see that page upon landing to the website design.

Contents: Contents are the most important part of every website design since the visitors to the website design goes through the contents in order to get the information website. That is the reason why it is essential that the contents of the website design must propagate the goal of the website properly.

Consistency: The website design must be consistent. This is the reason that most of the website designers are using CSS so that the entire website design can give a consistent 'look' and 'feel'.
Flash Techniques: Better flash techniques have also been discovered and employed in the past several years, leading to greater effectiveness of flash sites, and faster upload speeds. Sites that employ flash now have a more professional look and feel to them, and flash is used often now in the construction of online videos and games those appear on sites and educates and entertains visitors.

Hosting: The website hosting is also an important website design strategy as because good hosting decides the fate of the website design. The website host must be secured and it must be error free.
