Sunday, February 25, 2007

Interactive Modules in an ecommerce web site

An ecommerce web site is an elaborate web site which has many modules which interact with each other and provide various services to the customer. Some modules of an ecommerce web site are a must whereas some modules may or may not be present there. This article outlines some of the modules which make an ecommerce web site and their function to the users when they shop online:

The Shopping Cart: the name is derived from the traditional shopping cart and is THE most important part in an ecommerce web site. Shopping carts can be simple where they allow a user to select a product and proceed to check out, or they can be detailed by allowing users to save their cart for later and even manage discounts and promotional offer calculation.

One of the best shopping cart systems can be found at has also a quick shopping cart option which allows users to shop and leave the site within three to four clicks. You can get a custom shopping cart developed or can also customize an existing shopping cart software to suit your requirement. A shopping cart on an ecommerce web site should be robust and should ensure easy check out process for the users.

Content Management System: This may also be referred to as the product database management system or a system which ensures that there are frequent updates of the products on the web site so that users can get updated content.

The content management system can have various sub modules such as product database management, info page management module as well as FAQs management. Like the shopping cart, a content management system can vary in complexity.

Customer Relationship Management module: A customer relationship management module carries many features. You can pick and choose the features which you would like to have. A customer relationship management module not only enhances the customer experience on an ecommerce web site, it also provides a system which can be used to increase the overall sales of the web site.

Some of the sub-modules of a customer relationship management module are user management, order updates, feedback management, help desk management and newsletter management. A good customer management module can also provide some excellent reports and information which can help you make decisions about future activities on the web site.

Third party integrations: One of the most important integrations which are done with a third party is the payment gateway. Most ecommerce web sites integrate their payment gateway with a credit card gateway and this requires a bit of programming at the web site designer’s end. Another third party integration which is done is integration with a logistics provider ( such as UPS or USPS).

These two are the most important third party integrations which happen on an ecommerce web site. Depending on the nature of the web site, there can be third party integration such as insurance provider, credit checking agency, address checking agency etc. third party integrations are expensive to do, so it is best that you make sure that there is a requirement before proceeding with it.

The above outlined features are essential for the health of the an ecommerce web site and though design and overall layout plays an important role in a web site, it is these features which can make an ecommerce site successful. If the budget permits, then it is advisable that you choose the best options in the above categories your online store.