Tuesday, February 13, 2007

On site content maintenance

One of the most common problems being encountered by site owners is what they call writer's blog. To exemplify more, this basically means the need to produce great content day after day to be put into their web sites. Not all people have the capacity to write about things everyday. Even the best of the best writers have the tendency to "blocked out" every so often. For those who are prone to these common problems, there are some techniques you need to know about that have worked quite well for some.

Pick a topic that interests you. As with all aspects of everyday life, anything that triggers your interest is a thing worth putting some time and attention into. You find that it is quite enjoyable doing them if you see it caters to your liking. But if not, the task seems heavier and takes too long to do. This is the same with writing contents for sites. Look for an interesting topic and take it from there. Try blogs. The advantage of this is the length of the writing does not matter. Writing a paragraph or two is legal as long as it is of interest, then why not.

Take down notes. There are times when ideas seem to flow freely in your mind. Before they disappear altogether, capture them into your notes to serve as reference in the future. When the time comes that you cannot think of anything to write about, take a peek into your notes and maybe you can find some topics you can write about that you have not thought of recently.

Refresh old topics. So what if you have written about it more than twice or thrice. Repetition is the key to master some skills and to get the readers to remember. Look for a topic you can update on and make that the basis for a new article. There will always come a time when new topics will be hard to find. Try broadening your old ones.

Get some inspiration. A good writer is a good reader. Take the time to leave your site once and a while and read what others have written. Also read what your competitors have posted to get a good idea on what strategy you can use on your site. There is no such thing as too much information. But there is a thing as new and fresh information. You just have to find it first and way ahead of others.

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